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Unsubscribe Settings
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Written by Support Team
Updated over 6 months ago

Whether you are sending via the SMTP Relay, HTTP API or the User Interface, you can add an unsubscribe link to your emails.

Unsubscribe links are required in all emails, with very few exceptions. It's easy to add and customize your own unsubscribe link.

The merge tag responsible for the unsubscribe link is {unsubscribe}. You can insert it into a link in your template to customize it.

Manage Unsubscribe

List-unsubscribe header

Include a list unsubscribe header. This header is often used by mail clients to provide an unsubscribe option outside of the email itself.

This will allow you to enable or disable the List-Unsubscribe header. When enabled, a header will be formatted into your emails which works with many major ESPs like Gmail to provide an unsubscribe link in the inbox to allow users to unsubscribe without having to open the email. This is proven to help reduce complaints which will keep your mail going to the inbox. It is always recommended to use this header, especially for marketing email. You can read more about this header here and here.

Please note that the list-unsubscribe header cannot be passed in transactional emails.

Manage subscriptions

Allow contacts to manage their subscription to individual lists via the unsubscribe tracking page.

This setting allows contacts to choose which lists they want to be subscribed to directly from the email. You can choose which lists you want to be visible by editing a static list and enabling it. When "Subscribed Lists Only" is enabled, only the lists that the contact is on will display.

Subscribed lists only

This option will help you tidy up your unsubscribe form in case you have multiple lists that your contacts can subscribe to when opting in to your newsletters. With it ticked, your recipients will see only the options to unsubscribe from lists that they are actually subscribed to, others are hidden.

Note - unsubscribe preview will not display this feature.

Transactional unsubscribe

Allow contacts to opt into transactional email only via the unsubscribe tracking page. When ticked, this enables the option for contacts to opt into transactional email only instead of unsubscribing from all of your emails.

To send to contacts that have opted into transactional email only, we recommend using the dedicated API call for transactional emails included in our REST API.

  • For the legacy HTTP API v2 users, we recommend passing the parameter "isTransactional = true",

  • For the SMTP Relay, please add a header "IsTransactional" with the value of "True".

Our system will automatically suppress marketing mail to any contacts that have opted into transactional email only. You do not have to worry about sending a marketing email to a contact that only wants your critical transactional mail.

Tracking consent

Allow contacts to opt in or out of tracking events such as opens and clicks via the unsubscribe tracking page.

Delivery reason

Remind your recipients why they receive emails from you.

Subscription link

Use this link for a double opt-in web form to subscribe new contacts or to re-activate unsubscribed contacts.


This field will accept a URL to an image of your logo. The logo will be used to brand the unsubscribe process.

Unsubscribe notifications

Send an email notification when a contact unsubscribes. Addresses must be separated with a semi-colon β€œ;”.

Integrating the unsubscribe link

Basic Example:

  <a href="{unsubscribe}">Unsubscribe</a>

Third-Party Example:

If you are using a third-party unsubscribe feature, you are still required to redirect unsubscribes through Elastic Email. All you have to do is embed your unsubscribe link in our merge field using a ":".
The unsubscribe will register with Elastic Email in the background and redirect the user to your unsubscribe page.

  <a href="{unsubscribe:http://redirect-to-your-own-unsubscribe}">Unsubscribe</a>

Third-Party Multiple Unsubscribe Example:

If you are managing multiple lists with a third-party unsubscribe feature then we recommend you use two unsubscribe links in your email. The optional first unsubscribe links directly to your third-party unsubscribe and might have text such as "Manage Subscriptions" or "Manage Email Preferences". The mandatory second unsubscribe uses the redirect syntax above and might have text such as "Unsubscribe from all mailings".

  <a href="http://link-to-your-own-unsubscribe">Manage Email Preferences</a>
  <a href="{unsubscribe:http://redirect-to-your-own-unsubscribe}">Unsubscribe from all email</a>

AcyMailing Examples:

  <a href="{unsubscribeauto:{unsubscribe}{/unsubscribe}}">Unsubscribe</a>

Unsubscribe reasons & methods

The unsubscribe reasons page will provide you with all the details you need to analyze the unsubscribing patterns and habits of your contacts.

Unsubscribe methods:

Here you can see numbers of all the possible unsubscribe methods, broken down into five categories:

  • Via unsubscribe page

  • Via list-unsubscribe header

  • Via third-party link

  • Via manual removal

  • Via spam report

A visual graph supplements these statistics as a graphical representation.

Unsubscribe reasons:

When unsubscribing via the unsubscribe page, your contacts can provide the following reasons:

  • No longer want to receive emails

  • Content not relevant or interesting

  • Emails are too frequent

  • Did not agree to receiving emails

  • Emails are deceptive or misleading

This part of the screen provides percentage data of how many customers picked which reason. This is valuable feedback that will help you with fine-tuning your future campaigns to your audience's habits and preference.

Unsubscribed contacts

This is an exportable log of all your unsubscribed contacts. It can be filtered by status, date and feedback that the customer left when unsubscribing.

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