by Anna Wybieralska Apr 20, 2020

As some of you may know, not only does the team here at Elastic Email work very hard to keep building and enhancing our custom email platform, we also have an environmental and social mission too.

We always made a point, that as a company, we should give a good example, and support what we believe is right. One of the most critical issues, in our opinion, is maintaining a good balance between technology and ecology. We care about the environment and all aspects of sustainable living. From day one we care about ecology as much as we care about our customers. Because of this, we decided that we want to support an organization, that makes this balance, their top priority. The Ancient Forest Alliance was a perfect organization to assist.

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Who are the Ancient Forest Alliance?

The Ancient Forest Alliance is a non-profit society based in British Columbia, Canada. Their main goal is to protect and preserve old-growth forests. They were founded in 2010 by Ken Wu and TJ Watt. From the first moment, they work to ensure that long-term sustainable logging practices are developed in order to protect trees. Not only that, but they also work to engage and support First Nations communities in their concerns over unsustainable forestry activities in their territories. Alliance also brings the important subject of protection of trees into the political agenda. The Ancient Forest Alliance takes pride in working with and for communities in order to make sure that both old-growth forests are protected and cherished. They also monitor how communities and businesses benefit from long-term sustainable practices and policies.

To cut long story short, they want to save trees. And we are here to help. We recognize that their work is important for the whole world. The trees are essential for everyone's, well-being, mental stability, and balance of ecological footprint. Without them the world would be a truly awful place to live in, assuming we ould survive.

Josh photo


"Once you cut a 500 year old tree, it is gone forever. And there are only a few tiny places left on Earth that have never been cut."

They work hard to ensure, that the old-growth forests are well-preserved and taken care of. It's not just empty promises but consistent tangible evidence of their hard work, that makes us proud to support them. Furthermore, the Alliance is also working hard to support academic papers related to ecology and pretty much every aspect of tree protection. If you want to know more about the Ancient Tree Alliance you can check out their page and numerous campaigns they conducted throughout the years.

How Elastic Email supports the cause?

The Ancient Forest Alliance is close to our hearts for two reasons. One is that it leads a very important mission that we also believe in. Second, the main area of their work is in the same country as one of our founders. And in fact, it was our founder who created this wonderful collaboration.

Joshua Perina heard about the Ancient Forest Alliance from his friend, who was, at the time, working for them. He explained their mission to protect old-growth forests while still supporting a sustainable forestry industry. The premise is simple. Trees are the most important elements to maintain balance in the economy, environment, and mental well-being of people. Yet the trees are consistently cut down. And we are not talking here about trees that were planted for this exact reason, but over 500 years old ones. Those are the trees that we should make a point to preserve and protect, not taken down. Further down the line, the cut of the old-growth forest increases every year.

Josh photo


"Since there is such a very tiny amount of original uncut forest remaining on the planet - with some of the last of it here in British Columbia, Canada I was immediately struck by how important it is to protect."

One of the biggest areas that are getting quite a bit of traffic regarding their protection is Brazil and the Amazon. Those are the places that are frequently discussed as they do have some uncut parts. Joshua believes that every uncut forest should be protected, but decided, that we should start from our own backyard. There is an old-growth forest in Canada, and it's being systematically cut down. And there is an organization that wants to prevent that. There was nothing to discuss, and Elastic Email made a point to support the Ancient Tree Alliance with their cause. From this moment onwards, Elastic Email pledges a percentage of our income, to support the protection of trees and old-growths. We are proud to assist such an organization in helping the planet.

Within the last 10 years, the Alliance has succeeded in protecting some important areas and legislation to recognize the economic and cultural benefits of these forests are slowly improving. It's important to spread awareness and show people the success, so if you live close or will ever visit the Port Renfrew area you can visit an "Avatar Grove". It's a boardwalk set in the protected forest that features some of the most incredible gnarly trees, ancient cedars, and Douglas firs.

Here at Elastic Email, we are proud to provide great service and support to our awesome customers as well as help save some trees! Do you have any questions about this subject or your Elastic Email account? Contact our friendly Customer Success Team available to you 24/7.

About the author

Anna was working as a Content Creator in Elastic Email. An email marketing enthusiast with a millennial approach. She's either writing, buying plants or avoiding social interactions.

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