by Adam Kościelak Aug 5, 2021

Elastic Email is used by many companies from all around the world. However, in this case study, we’re going to be taking a look at how Elastic Email’s email marketing tools are used by a company that sits just across the river from our Polish office. Żegluga Szczecińska Turystyka Wydarzenia (Szczecin Sailing Tourism Events) is a municipal company created for the purpose of organizing events, promoting tourism, and sailing in Szczecin, Poland. Their activities range from managing spaces including the riverside promenades and the city beach, through running events such as the Tall Ships Races, Sea Days, and Christmas Fairs, all the way to running tourist information centers and motorboat rentals. Table of Contents This year, ŻSTW organized Żagle 2021 (Sails 2021), an event during which some of the ships that were meant to participate in the canceled Tall Ships Race sailed into the city and docked at the beautiful promenades surrounding the Oder. It was an absolute blast! We asked Marta Tarka, ŻSTW’s marketing specialist a few questions about why the company chose our services and decided to send over 65 thousand emails with us.

Why Elastic Email?

“We’ve been using Elastic Email since 2016 and we love the fact that the system is really intuitive and allows us to quickly create email campaigns. Thorough reports allow us to know our delivery rates.” Marta told us “Whenever we have questions, your technical support is quick to respond and solve our issues. An added bonus for us is that one of your offices is located in Szczecin.”

How do you use Elastic Email?

“Most of our campaigns are targeted at businesses that want to take part in our events. Emails are usually how they find out about our new projects, booths at events, or other promotional activities.” Marta says, “Elastic Email lets us divide contacts into different lists, which in turn allows us to divide our mailing based on the industries we want to contact, as well as contact both national and local companies.”

What’s your favorite Elastic Email functionality?

“Creating campaign copies! With the number of tasks we have on a daily basis, we don’t always have time to create a campaign from the ground up. The option to copy and rebuild a previous campaign really speeds up our work. Another functionality we love is the ability to check activity and track statistics. Knowing when somebody received our email and what its status is is really helpful in our work.” Thanks a lot to Marta and the ŻSTW crew for telling us more about their Elastic Email experience, as well as for all the awesome events that our crew in Szczecin is able to attend thanks to their hard work. We wish the entire team smooth sailing! We’re very happy that our platform helps Marta and her team get sponsors and partners on board for their awesome events, and we can’t wait to see future events like the Tall Ships Races in 2023! Thanks a lot to Marta and the ŻSTW crew for telling us more about their Elastic Email experience, as well as for all the awesome events that our crew in Szczecin is able to attend thanks to their hard work. We wish the entire team smooth sailing!
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Adam Kościelak

Adam Kościelak is an experienced writer and video content creator. Throughout 2021, he worked as Elastic Email's Content Specialist, expanding our content library.

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